Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Welcome Teachers

I am very excited to be the new Library Media Specialist at the Brown and the Capuano schools! I am interested in using technology and web 2.0 tools in the classroom. The library at both schools have recently received flip video cameras and digital cameras that teachers can check out.

If you are interested in learning how to use the new cameras, please don't be afraid to stop in or send me an email. I would love to help you out!

Projects we are currently working on in the library using the new cameras:
  • 1st Grade: Students are learning about seasonal weather by reading a variety of books. Students have brainstormed types of clothing we wear for each season and why we wear it (for example: sunglasses for summer because it is sunny). Each student will choose one piece of clothing and come up with a movement to pretend to put it on. Then, they will be recorded saying their item and doing their movement (for example: "It is summer! I have to put on my sunglasses because it is sunny.") Then, we will watch our video as a class.

  • 5th Grade: Students are learning about copyright laws for images. They will take pictures around the school to make a class photo tour. Then, they will decide how to license their photographs using the creative commons licenses (http://www.creativecommons.org/) as a guideline. Check back for our school photo tour!